Reno Viola launches the WRVO Radio Network

Reno Viola is not a new name in the fishing industry. That name, being on the forefront of something great is not new either. He was one of the pioneers of organized bass tournaments in Canada and produced and hosted the loved Fish’n Canada show. Reno Viola has helped shape the way North Americans get fishing content and he is about to do it again with the WRVO Radio Network, set to launch on Monday January 21st 2013. I had the pleasure of speaking with Reno about his newest venture on the eve of its launch.

“WRVO started as being a resource for tournament anglers, and I still want it to be that, but it is growing into so much more” said Reno.

This is more than a radio network Reno is putting together, it really is a place to get all of your fishing content in a very entertaining way. Starting on the 21st WRVO will be going live with eight programs, with many more to come in the following weeks, months and years. “I will gladly add as many shows as I can, as long as I can provide entertaining content, I want to see WRVO grow” Reno has put together a very entertaining group of shows that focus on providing fresh programming. “I am looking for people to provide something different, no cookie cutter radio shows here”

Starting on Monday when WRVO launches, there is Reno Viola In Depth, where Reno talks with tournament champions and up and coming champions. Outdoor Journal, with Angelo Viola and Pete Bowman, is a show that has been airing on the Fan 590 in Southern Ontario which will also be carried on WRVO. George Pearn will be hosting Up the Creek, focusing on all aspects of river fishing for salmon and trout and the conservation aspects. Hooked For Life with Jeff Chisholm, will be a 15-20 min fishing tips segments. The BS Sessions with Mike and Scott from will be bringing their popular show from Mikes garage in Montreal to the WRVO. The Reel Addiction, with Brian Shelley and Sheldon Hoyle, two great anglers from the Kingston Ontario region talk about anything and everything fishing. On Fishing South Florida, WRVO has Mark Kiny bringing you information on fishing the South Florida region and the areas that are accessible from Florida. To round out the opening day schedule, WRVO has Lanark County Confidential, where Mike Stanton will be digging into the topics that pertain to Lanark County, from slot sizes, to land rights.

The WRVO offers much more than just radio programming. From video segments that will teach you how to use products to improve your angling abilities, to blogs from a wide range of writers. Something new to the industry is the tournament section. Beyond links to some of the largest tournament series, there is going to be live weigh in’s streaming on the site. “We will be streaming live weigh in feeds and updates from bass tournaments starting with the Southern Ontario region and growing from there.” You can watch as many weigh in’s as you want at the same time, so if you are at home and want to see how your favourite anglers are doing at different events you can. But even more interesting is that if you are and angler in a tournament and want to see how the anglers in front of you are doing, using your mobile device  you can get live updates of the weigh in.

“With this, there is the benefit of strength in numbers. Having that many different tournament series accessible in one location, will expose new series to new fans” The opportunity for better exposure is increased, for both anglers and sponsors. This is definitely a big step for the tournament angling community in Canada.

While talking to Reno, you get the sense that he understands where the fishing and multi media industries are headed. Reno is in the process of developing a mobile app to better communicate the features of his site, and offering the WRVO Network online, provides the listener the convenience of never missing a program. Think of it as fishing radio on demand. In our conversation Reno stressed that he is always up for suggestions. “I want people to know that I am always looking for suggestions and advice. I am always looking for ways to improve and the more suggestions and advise I get, the more I can improve.”  He also made a point to say that they are always looking for new programs and producers and any one who is interested should not hesitate to reach out.

The WRVO is set up to be a great resource for tournament anglers and recreational anglers alike. Add the experience and influence Reno Viola has and you can be sure that WRVO is going to be the next big thing.

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