Berkley PowerBait MaxScent

New from Pure Fishing, the Berkley PowerBait MaxScent, a happy medium between the traditional PowerBait and the Gulp! No dried up baits, all the scent!

GeigerTec Mounts

GeigerTec Carbonfibre Dash mount

With the price and size of fishfinders and graphs these days it is amazing that people still trust plastic mounts to hold them up! A Canadian company called GeigerTec Marine Products has come to bat for you! If you are running a decent fish finder on your boat, you have made an investment in that […]

The Garmin Force Trolling Motor

Garmin Force Trolling Motor

The Most Powerful and Efficient Trolling Motor Available Garmin continues to push boundaries as it releases its first trolling motor, the Garmin Force. Boasting more power and longer battery life than any other trolling motor on the market. But power and battery life aren’t where the Force Trolling Motor stops pushing the boundaries of what […]

The HT E-Drill

Power Auger HT E-Drill - 8"

The search for the ultimate power auger is an ongoing quest, and the HT E-Drill might just be that answer

Garmin Echomap Ultra

Dave Chong gives us a run down of the all new Garmin Echomap Ultra, one of the best valued high performance fish finders out there!

Exciting New Gear from the Spring Fishing and Boat Show

Spring Fishing and Boat Show-Feature Image

Every February the fishing industry gets together in Toronto Ontario for the Spring Fishing and Boat Show and a lot of the major manufacturers are eager to show you what they are releasing to the market for everyone to try out!

Getting Salty – Bonito, King Mackerel and Sharks in Florida

Daniel meets up with Joe Tieofilo(@gzeppyteo on Instagram) and Captain Joe Mazzarella from Bee Fishing to catch Bonito, King Mackerel, and Sharks out of West Palm Beach! Daniel forgot to take motion sickness medicine and spent the majority of the day seasick…but still managed to get into a bunch of fish! Joe T caught fish […]

The Skeeter WX 1910

The Skeeter WX 1910

The Skeeter WX 1910 is a fishing machine! The hull is specially designed to work with the Yamaha F200 engine and has the REACT keel will help boat control in tight turns and at trolling speeds.

There is no wood in the boat and the torque transfer systems eliminates transom cracking, this boat is designed to last forever! And with giant rod and storage lockers that have the Dry Dock system, your gear will last just as long!