Top Five Lures To Fish A Trout River

The cool fall weather seems to be just around the corner, soon the leaves will begin to change colours and already the river anglers begin the search for salmon and steelhead. You can throw flies, drift, or even cast hardware when those big migratory fish are in the rivers. They all work, and they are […]

Timing the Salmon Run

timing the salmon run feature

  Late summer and early fall, when the water temperatures begin to plummet and the rains swell the rivers, is when I get excited for fishing. I know the salmon are starting to move up river, and it is just the start of a chain of fishing events that I wait all year for. Show […]

Ice out Steel in…

I was hesitant to give up on the ice fishing season, I was having so much fun and there was still lots of good ice. Plus I just got a new Vexilar and 13 Fishing WhiteOut ice rod that needed some use. But the tales of flowing rivers with shiny adipose fined freight trains where beginning to flow […]

Falling In Love With The Drift

It is hard to deny her passion for the sport, and it just keeps growing! Watch as Live 2 Fish angler Amy Nesbitt falls in love with float fishing the rivers.

Catching The River Bug

The River Bug-Amy Nesbit

I recently had the opportunity to try something new with a few good friends. Growing up in Northern Ontario, I have always had a passion for bass and pike fishing, but since moving to Barrie I have been hearing more and more about rivers and float fishing. After giving it a few attempts, I have […]

Top 5 Flies To Have In Your Box For The Trout Opener

5 flies for trout opener

I don’t fish steelhead in the spring nearly as much as I do in the winter, I don’t like being crowded. I will bushwhack and find little isolated spots for brookies and brownies and have fun with 3 and 4 wt rods all by myself once the season opens. The hardest part for me was […]