Everyone who has fished for even a little while has heard of Berkley PowerBait. It is just one of those baits that have been there. A lot of us remember Berkley Gulp!, and for some of us, it was amazing! But for others, it was a mess, with all of that liquid getting all over your boat and the baits drying onto your hook. Well new from Pure Fishing is the Berkley PowerBait MaxScent! A happy medium between the traditional PowerBait and the Gulp!
MaxScent Max HoldingPower!
Fish bite and don’t let go! If you watch any fishing shows or read any fishing magazines you have heard that before. Well, Berkley PowerBait MaxScent is no different…except that it boasts that fish will hold on 18 times longer! Be it on casting or spinning gear, it gives you more time to bury the hook! Berkley says they are using a new material that releases a scent field around the bait.

PowerBait MaxScent Shapes and Colours
PowerBait is a formula that has been around forever so that shouldn’t be a surprise that it comes in many shapes and sizes. With PowerBait MaxScent, the new formula, they have 14 shapes. The General, a stick bait that doesn’t mind being called a “Stink-O”. The Creature Hawg, cuz no pig smells like this one! When you open the bag The Hit Work will hit your senses with some fish catching potency. I am running out of puns so the rest of the shapes are the Flatnose Minnow, Flatnose Jerk Shad, Flat Worm, Power Chunk, Meaty Chunk, Lizard, Critter Hawg, D-Worm, Hit Worm Magnum, Launch Worm and the Kingtail.
Jason Barnucz and Brent Bochek talk about the difference between Berkley PowerBait and the PwerBait Maxscent. Yes…it goes beyond the smell!